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Automate your Pharmacy 

Say goodbye to the daily hassle of managing your hospital pharmacy.


Sign up for Nervex's end-to-end pharmacy automation solution to gain maximum efficiency with minimal oversight.

Fully Automated

Higher Savings


Easy Monitoring


Our Offerings

Nervex offers automation solutions for entire journey of the Pharmacy from ordering to sale to audits.

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Smart Purchase

Use of proprietary data analytics to determine future demand and autogenerate daily Purchase Order

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1-Click GRN

No ore manual entries and associated errors while receiving goods in the system. Instead, welcome to 1-click 100% accurate GRNs

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QR Scan Billing

Every item has unique QR code at batch level facilitating rapid, accurate billing

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3rd Party Audits

Nervex will conduct regular audits to reconciliate system stock with physical stock and generate audit reports. Nervex will also manage returns for expired items


Leverage the power of Group to drive higher margins

Aggregated demand from hospitals will help in streamlining the item selection, order process and account management creating more efficiency in pharmacy value chain 

Higher Savings

Advanced Data Sharing


Genuine Products

Our Vision

Our team at Nervex Healthtech envisions a healthcare future where clinicians’ focus is solely on patient care. We are the silent partner in healthcare, seamlessly integrating into the fabric of clinical operations to empower a world where administrative tasks never impede the noble pursuit of saving lives.


In the world of healthcare, the true value lies in the moments of care that clinicians provide—these are beyond measure. For all other aspects of healthcare operations, Nervex Health is there, ensuring that clinicians can dedicate their expertise where it matters most: patient care.

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